Terms of Sale Botanisk

Terms of Sale

Plants can be reserved for autumn as of July. Pick-up is available through week 50.

As of week 51, plants can be reserved for spring. Pick-up is available through week 15. To ensure proper follow-up, we ask that you specify a delivery week when making your reservation. We will try our best to honour reservations to the best of our ability.

The listed prices on our stock list are prices per unit in €, from 24 pieces per type in P9 and exclusive of VAT.

Empties will be exchanged immediately upon loading or charged.

Paid-for empties can be returned in good condition and in the same season, no later than 1 August. We reserve the right to adapt the prices of empties in the event of sudden price increases.

We have a photo line for most plants. These photos can be added separately at €0.14 or inserted in the plants at €0.22.

All complaints relating to delivery must be made known to us by registered letter, within eight days after receipt of the goods or the invoice, respectively. Written complaints must always include the date, number and amount of the disputed invoice and must state explicitly, in detail and limitatively, the reasons for the complaint.

Our invoices are payable on the stated due date on the invoice. We do not apply a discount for payment within 8 days.

The expiration of the term of payment shall put the client in default by operation of law, without a reminder being required. Once the term of payment has expired, default interest shall be due automatically and without prior notice being required at an annual rate of 12%, as well as a fixed compensation of 18% on the total invoice amount with a minimum of €75.

Goods are shipped at the consignee's risk. The goods shall remain the property of the seller until paid in full. Unforeseen circumstances such as crop failure, frost damage and similar circumstances shall exempt us from the delivery obligation, even if the order has been confirmed.

Any disputes that may arise shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Tongeren court.

These terms and conditions are exclusively governed by Belgian law.

These are the only general terms and conditions.